Bachmann Haller Imfeld & Co.

Many projects have received support through our consulting and technical services. We list only a few, further information is available on request.

Game bite can become problematic in areas with large predators such as wolfes, lynx or bears. We conducted a fairly complex analysis for the management of a large predator species in Switzerland.

A large project of over 1400 aerial images without GPS, INS and ground control points with a highly complex block design was successfully accomplished.   

Even today with modern GIS systems, the art of map making requires special skills. Complex maps with highly complex information overlays were required. With the aid of substantial map making support, the maps were successfully produced.

We designed and implemented a search algorithm for patch feeding in a smaller carnivore. Spatio-temporal analysis is highly complex and not available in currenly available GIS systems and hence requires special programming.

We designed and implemented an online aerial image access system that allows access to the full resolution of 1.4 TB of raw image data.

Game bite analysis

Wildlife analysis

Cartographic support

Complex Triangulation

Online Aerial Image Access System

Project List